Saturday, October 28, 2017

Very WIP update

Hobby's been on the back-burner for some time now, and in the chances I had to get some progress made, I ended up splitting it between multiple projects...I guess because I have poor attentiveness?

Anyway, here's what's sitting on my table:

  • An unfinished "disc-speeder" kitbash made from some Necron and Age of Sigmar kits
  • The Lotus, I keep fiddling with it but not making major improvements, to be honest
  • Penthu, as I was trying out edge-highlighting gold
  • 5 unfinished Breachers, who turned out to be a bit more complicated than had been hoping.
What I'm really struggling with, is naming the disc-speeder.  They appear in A Thousand Sons, but aren't given a proper name.  I'm intending to make three, to act as Skyhunter Support Jetbikes.  I've got a couple of ideas for their class name, but can't settle on one.  Suggestions gratefully received!